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Are you related to Food Business? Applied for FSSAI Registration?

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Are you aware of the legal compliances required to run a Food Related Business? Continue reading to know more...

How to get a FSSAI License?
How to get a FSSAI License?


The registration/licence is issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), an institution that monitors food businesses under the guidelines and regulations listed in the FSSAI Act 2006.

Who is required to get FSSAI Registration?

FSSAI registration is mandatory for anyone involved in the food business. Be it food processing, food manufacturing, packaging, distributing, or selling, you need to get an FSSAI registration to run your business.

Benefits of registering with FSSAI

Apart from the fact that FSSAI registration is required for your food business, it also has some advantages:

  • It builds trust, reputation and credibility with your customers.

  • Because the FSSAI logo is widely recognized, it can ensure consumer trust.

  • When FSSAI registration is involved, hygiene and cleanliness are regulated and followed.

  • Better work policies can be created or improved through studies to which you have access.

  • You will gain new industry knowledge that will help you improve your safety standards and meet the standards of international organizations.

  • A FSSAI license is required when importing and exporting food products.

  • When selling food products online, FSSAI certification is required.

Penalty for failure to Register

A food business operator (FBO) who operates their business without registering with FSSAI may face imprisonment and a fine of up to ₹ 5 lakhs.

Types of FSSAI Licenses in India

According to the FSSAI Act of 2006, all food businesses must be registered/licensed in one of three categories:

  • Basic FSSAI Registration

It is the most common type of registration issued for small businesses with annual revenues of up to ₹ 12 lakhs.

Catering businesses, regardless of size, must apply for a state license rather than a basic FSSAI registration.

  • State FSSAI License

Businesses with annual revenues ranging from ₹ 12 lakhs to ₹ 20 crore can apply for an FSSAI state license. Small to medium-sized manufacturers, storage units, transporters, retailers, restaurants, marketers, and distributors, among others, must obtain the FSSAI State License Registration.

  • Central FSSAI License

The central registration is for larger businesses with a yearly turnover of more than ₹ 20 crores.

Companies that provide food to government offices/departments, as well as businesses involved in food import/export, an online platform, operating franchises, or hotel/restaurant chain, must obtain a central license.

Documents Required for FSSAI Registration

You must submit various documents for registration depending on the type of registration and the food business that you run.

Basic FSSAI Registration

  • Authorized person’s passport-sizes photograph [self-attested]

  • Authorized person’s Aadhar card front and back [self-attested]

  • Address proof of the business premises [rental agreement/previous month’s electricity bill/NOC from landlord]

  • Declaration signed by the authorized person

State/Central FSSAI License

  • Passport-sized photograph of the directors/partners/proprietor

  • Identity proof of directors/partners/proprietor [Aadhar and PAN]

  • Address proof of the business premises [rental agreement/previous month’s electricity bill/NOC from landlord]

  • Photograph of the premises [8-9 photos]

  • Blueprint of the premises

  • List of food products on the company letterhead [with seal and signature]

  • List of machines (if any) on the company’s letterhead [with seal and signature]

Manufacturing Units

Including the above-mentioned documents, manufacturing units have to submit the following documents as well:

  • The blueprint of warehouse, plant, etc.

  • A list of all machinery

  • Report of a water test

  • List of all food categories

Given above is only a basic overview of the entire process.

We hope the above blog was helpful in enhancing your knowledge on the matter. In case of any queries feel free to get in touch with our team of experts.

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“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.“

- Beverly Sills


Hemant Bardia


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